Speak to leave an impression; surprise to leave them impressed.
alexander.n.gerber@gmail.com | (860) 256-7681 | IG: @gerbosphere | Twitter: @AlexGerber6 | LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gerbosphere
Ha. Look at this dork.
Oh wait... That's me. I'm the dork.
Some dorky thoughts I've had recently:
-Cereal is soup.
-Aliens are time-traveling humans from another planet.
-Mirakle B. is the Scrappy-Doo of Pokémon trainers.
-The secret to a long and happy life is to understand EVERYONE.
About this dork:
I love puns in-context and never the ones you see on a T-shirt.
(But maybe sometimes.)
I love animated shows. Everything that happens to an animated character is REAL for them.
I love surprises, new perspectives, and absurd ways to morph the almighty letter clumps into a sensical sentence of nonsense.
And most of all, anonymous reader, you beautiful pair of eyes:
I love being a dork.